Luigi Pirandello, Italian dramatist, novelist, poet and short story writer awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature, is not a common, but he is an impressive guest of the Split theatre scene. It was so when Anatoly Vasiliev directed Tonight We Improvisein 1990, and it was so when Six Characters ... were staged by François-Michel Pesenti in 2000. At the première Pirandelli was forced to leave the theatre through a side exit in order to avoid the angry crowd of opponents with shouts from the audience of “Madhouse!” Première was followed by Milan and Paris successes when Pirandello decisively influences French playwrights Anouilh, Sartre, Ionesco, Beckett ... Since then, by a key turn on reality and fiction, reality and theatre, Pirandello is not someone whom you just come back to, but someone who has become inevitable.
Première: November 18th, 2016