The Cherry Orchard
Anton Pavlovitch Tchehov

The Cherry Orchard

The fate of The Cherry Orchard's characters is determined by the historical moment of great social change. They are disturbed by the announcement of a different world and way of life, fear of what is to come. Our consumerist times, shaken and grounded by the coronavirus, now await some better society. It's no coincidence that, while waiting in these crucial times, we call on Chekhov to remind us how vulnerable, unrealized and, like his dramatic characters, selfishly in love with our loss we are.

Performed in croatian.


Dražen Ferenčina


Božidar Škritek


Dubravko Mihanović

Set Designers

Dražen Ferenčina, Davor Molnar

Costume Designer

Marita Ćopo


Igor Valeri

Stage movement

Maja Huber

Light Designer

Zdravko Stolnik / Tomislav Kobia

Magic Tricks Advisor

Domagoj Ivanković

Assistant Director

Vanja Jovanović

Visual identity Designer

Ivona Đogić Đurić / Crtaona Studio


Kristijan Cimer

Ranjevska, Ljubov Andrejevna

Sandra Lončarić

Anja, her daughter

Antonia Mrkonjić

Varja, her stepdaughter

Anja Đurinović Rakočević

Dunjaša, maid

Antonija Pintarić / Tara Rosandić

Gajev, Leonid Andrejevič, Ranjevska's brother

Miroslav Čabraja

Lopahin, Jermolaj Aleksejević, merchant

Ivan Ćaćić

Trofimov, Pjotr Sergejevič, student

Ivan Grčić

Simeonov-Piščik, Boris Borisovič, nobleman

Duško Modrinić

Charlota Ivanovna, governess

Antonija Stanišić Šperanda

Epihodov, Semjon Pantelejevič, treasurer

Enes Vejzović


Davor Panić

Jaša, young serviceman

Aljoša Čepl