The Aquarelle of Split
Ivo Tijardović

cca. 2 hours and 45 minutes with one intermission

The Aquarelle of Split

The Aquarelle of Split is a singing, witty, and playful journey from Veliki Varoš to the waterfront of our childhood. We will celebrate Sudamja, play tombola, and wrap ourselves in the comforting beauty and the youthful love of Tonči and his Marica, all in honor of the main characters of this immortal work of maestro Tijardović - the city of Split and ourselves.

The Aquarelle of Split

Since the first opening night (Split, 5th March 1928) until today there have been thousands of stories circulating around The Aquarelle. Besides Little Floramy, it is one of the most performed Croatian operettas at all, with every new staging provoking cute general commotion and expectation related to big projects anywhere. In sports it is about decisive competitions and matches, it can be seen while launching a ship or finalizing a successful export business, in science it is yet unseen invent, and in local operetta life it is definitely Floramy and The Aquarelle

Actually, the essentials about The Aquarelle were best described by Krešimir Dolenčić: "The Aquarelle actually does not exist as a musical or operetta. It has its constant staging on the streets of Split. (...) The Aquarelle of Split does not happen in the late twenties, it happens all the time..."


Director Krešimir Dolenčić
Set Design Vesna Režić
Costume Design  Ana Savić Gecan
Choreographer Snježana Abramović Milković
Light and Projection Design Deni Šesnić
Choir master  
Assistant Director Bojan Brajčić
Choreography renewal Snježana Radica, Lev Šapošnjikov
Concertmaster Mislav Salopek
Accompanists Ana Šabašov, Stipe Iličić
Stage Manager Elza Tudor Gančević
Prompter Irina Padovan
Language adviser  Tonči Banov