Stabat Mater / Faun
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi / Claude Debussy

Stabat Mater / Faun

Ballet duet inspired by the famous impressionist work of Claude Debussy Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, and Stabat Mater, an ensemble-play inspired by the baroque masterpiece of the same name by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, comprise in a unique blend in which musical masterpieces are related to the ballet signature of one of the most sought-after choreographers in Europe, Edward Clug, a multi-award winning Romanian choreographer and Artistic Director of Maribor’s Slovene National Theatre Ballet. 

Stabat Mater / Faun

The most famous Debussy's work, which, according to some, marks the very beginning of modern music, Clug connects with a meditative, deeply disturbing Pergolesi’s work from 1736. Composed in the last weeks of a young author's life, Stabat Mater portrays the suffering of the Virgin Mary during Christ's crucifixion. Humility, simplicity, and unexpected flashes of pure musical joy encouraged Clug in his quest for the contemporary choreography of this work. He encounters a strong message of hope in it and builds a unique atmosphere in which he celebrates life, not suffering. Author’s dedication and meticulousness create an imaginative metaphysical view of the complexity of life and interpersonal relationships.


Director and Choreographer

Edward Clug


Aida Jažić

Assistant choreographer

Gaj Žmavc

Costume designer and Set designer

Jordi Menendez Roig


Director and Choreographer

Edward Clug


C. Debussy - Prélude à l'après - midi d'un faune

Assistant Choreographer

Gaj Žmavc

Costume designer

Amna Kunovac-Zekić



Tamara Ljubičić, Ana Kuzmanović, Albina Huskić, Ekaterina Vereshchagina, Jovana Milosavljević, Amina Sulejmanagić, Nadža Pušilo, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Chiara Licata, Zulejha Kečo


Branko Sarić, Ervis Koceku, Mihail Mattescu, Ioan - Vasile Soit, Evgeny Gaponko, Admir Kalkan, Til Čmančanin


Aida Čorbadžić, Zana Staniškovska, Dajana Šegvić, Melisa Hajrulahović - Tomić



Tamara Ljubičić, Branko Sarić, Ana Kuzmanović, Ervic Koceku