World Dance Day 2024

World Dance Day 2024

Today, April 29th, we celebrate World Dance Day. This year's international message was written by the Argentine ballerina and principal of the Royal Ballet, Marianela Núñez, and the Croatian message was composed by Ilijana Lončar, a dance artist, choreographer, and dance educator.

You can read the messages in full below.

World Dance Day 2024

International message by Marianela Núñez

A memory is not enough to make history. And the history of a theatre, like that of each one, is also the history of others, of how an art like dance migrated and grew in different latitudes. The walls of the Royal Ballet treasure photographs that narrate the journey, history calls for its protagonists and dance in Argentina shines with each of those names. Often, institutions submerge themselves in silent anonymity, without faces or surnames, avoiding facing the echo of the past.

The organizations promoted and supported by ITI-UNESCO, such as the Argentine Dance Council, that frequently act as a wall that stops forgetfulness. I am with you all in the commitment to rescue and revitalize the history of masters, artists and choreographers who have enriched the world of dance, deserving of being heard by future generations.

Let us all know that we are not spectators, but inheritors of a tradition forged with art, dignity and sacrifice, nourishing our path with vocation and love for beauty. Although the future and the present capture our attention, without the solid foundation of the past, without the fertility of our land, the dance tree cannot flourish. The roots are tradition and at the same time... nutrients.

Croatian message by Ilijana Lončar

Dance is omnipresent!

It shapes us both inside and out. It makes us vulnerable, yet incredibly strong. It implies dedication, passion, and persistence. Without movement, even the slightest, there is no communication. When it seems that everything is still and quiet, it is only an illusion because that's when we come to revelations.

We dance with both our minds and bodies. Let us believe in sharing thoughts, feelings, and good intentions. Let's be free, brave, express ourselves, respect differences, believe... Let's cast off the shackles of indifference, shallowness, and mediocrity, let's enjoy our own resources of artistic strength and be open to sharing and accepting them. Let's be human, let's play, dream, and dance.

Dance is omnipresent!