Antonije Pušić, known to the public as Rambo Amadeus, is renowned for his sharp and satirical lyrics and his virtuosity on the guitar. His music combines opposites, a collage that includes funk, rock, hip-hop, classical, modern jazz, improvised music, comedic sketches, and electronic music. Above all, Rambo is a master storyteller, both musically and lyrically, which always comes to the forefront in his live performances. His concerts are never just a repetition of recorded songs but a blend of free improvisation and satirical humor.
He has left behind many recognizable compositions such as "Urbano, samo urbano," "Plastik fantastik," "Otišo je svak ko valja," "Turbofolk," "Dik tu kava," "Rano za početak, prekasno za kraj," "E moj Rambo, ostara se," "O'ruk, sad ga lomi," "Privatizovat," and many others.