Program of the 70th Split Summer Festival is Accepted

Program of the 70th Split Summer Festival is Accepted

The program of the 70th Split Summer Festival was accepted on Tuesday at the meeting of the Festival Council chaired by the Minister of Culture and Media, Nina Obuljen Koržinek. The jubilee edition of one of the oldest and most prestigious theater festivals in Croatia brings four premieres - one opera, two dramas, and one ballet - along with a series of reruns and guest performances, accompanied by a rich concert and side program. Festival will be taking place from July 15 to August 14.

Program of the 70th Split Summer Festival is Accepted

- The program of the 70th Split Summer Festival is rich and ambitious, yet in line with our production capabilities - stated the director of the 70th Split Summer Festival and intendant of the Croatian National Theater Split, Vicko Bilandžić. "As part of the opera program, three titles will be performed. The cantata 'Carmina Burana' by Carl Orff will be staged scenically for the first time at Peristil, where we traditionally open the Split Summer Festival. The performances will be conducted by maestro Ivan Hut, directed by the world-renowned opera director Michał Znaniecki. In addition to the unavoidable performances of 'Aida' at Peristil and 'Era from the Other World,' which has thrived on the new stage at Benama, the festival will also feature an opera gala concert at the Meštrović Gallery, one of the most attractive open-air stages in Split," emphasized the director of Split Summer Festival. 

 "The ballet premiere 'Madame Bovary' by choreographer Valentina Turcu will bring Split Summer back to the Prokurative stage after a long time, and 'The Great Gatsby' will be reprised at Benama, one of the most successful ballet productions of the Split HNK in recent seasons. The drama program introduces two premieres - the monodrama 'Judith,' directed by Dražen Krešić, marking 500 years since the death of the father of Croatian literature, Marko Marulić, in the meditative setting of the church of St. Jere on Marjan, and 'Tales from the Ferry,' an authorial project by director Anica Tomić, playwright Ivor Martinić, and dramaturge Jelena Kovačić, with around twenty actors from the Split HNK and guest actors. By performing on a ferry moored at Gat sv. Duje in the port of Split, Split Summer continues the tradition of ambient performances, a key feature of the festival. In the rerun drama program of Split Summer, 'Laughter and Tears of Old Split' continues its stage life on Sustipan, the longest-running current drama performance of the festival and the Split theater, while 'The Landlady,' last year's hit, returns to the courtyard of the Split HNK alongside exciting guest dramas at Plinara. 

The concert program is diverse, spanning a wide range of styles, featuring performers from large ensembles to smaller groups and renowned soloists with a strong emphasis on Croatian artists proven not only on domestic but also on world stages. From the Ladarice and the Croatian Navy Orchestra to the performance by the celebrated Italian tenor and opera star Fabio Armiliato, who has performed at the New York Metropolitan and La Scala in Milan, a lineup of musicians will enrich the musical program of the jubilee edition of the Split Summer Festival. Standing out in the accompanying program is the exhibition marking the 70 years of Split Summer, in which the City Museum of Split joins the grand jubilee. 

In numbers, the 70th Split Summer Festival brings almost 50 stage performances, including nine operas, seventeen dramas, four ballets, and even fifteen concerts at sixteen locations within and outside of Split.