Stories from Vukovar
Authorial project by Pere Eranović

60 minutes

Stories from Vukovar

The monodrama Stories from Vukovar transforms the theater space into a wartime shelter, where the actor creates a complete and selfless connection with the audience. For one hour, the actor becomes a war correspondent, and the audience his fellow citizens, whom he tries to relieve of their worries by speaking about love, life, enemies, war, childhood...

Stories from Vukovar

The foundation for the young actor in creating the performance was the short lyrical stories of the legendary war correspondent from Vukovar, Siniša Glavašević. Pere Eranović envisioned Stories from Vukovar as a one-hour stay in a Vukovar shelter, where interaction occurs between the war correspondent and his fellow citizens; between the actor and the audience.

Through words, poetry, and movement, he brings the stage reality to life and contrasts the ideas of humanity and inhumanity. Through humorous and tragic moments, this stage reality grows to the point where the authentic war reports of Siniša Glavašević become an unsettling warning of what can result from the weakening of the human element in man. While it will remind the older generation of a period of pride that managed to endure despite immense fear and suffering, this original project will also caution new generations that losing joy and turning away from humanity is as destructive as forgetfulness.


Mentor Milan Štrljić
Performed by Pere Eranović
Light Design Miroslav Mamić
Sound Design Tomislav Luetić