Opera Gala at 69th Split Summer in the Meštrović Gallery

Opera Gala at 69th Split Summer in the Meštrović Gallery

The Opera Gala, an exclusive musical event, will headline the 69th Split Summer Festival at the Meštrović Gallery on Saturday, July 29, starting at 9 PM. 

Opera Gala at 69th Split Summer in the Meštrović Gallery

Under the baton of maestro Veton Marevci, soloists soprano Ana Petričević, tenor Ivan Defabiani, and national opera star, bass Ivica Čikeš, will present arias from Wagner's, Verdi's, and Puccini's operas.
The atmospheric stage of the Meštrović Gallery will serve as the backdrop for unforgettable pieces from the greatest works of Wagner, Verdi, and Puccini. The program will include Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg overture, arias from Tannhäuser, and Die Walküre, followed by Verdi's Don Carlos aria and a duet from Un ballo in maschera. The first part of the program will conclude with the renowned "Va, pensiero…" from Verdi's opera Nabucco. The second part will commence with an aria from Verdi's La forza del destino, followed by Puccini's Manon Lescaut intermezzo. Then, the audience will be treated to Verdi's aria from I vespri siciliani before the program's grand finale dedicated to Puccini's Turandot, featuring three arias: "Gira la cote," "In questa Reggia," and the iconic "Nessun Dorma."
Maestro Veton Marevci, who has been the conductor of the HNK Split Choir since 2020, will lead the program. He made his operatic debut in 2022 with Verdi's Un ballo in maschera. Over the past year, Marevci has conducted Puccini's Turandot, Suor Angelica, and Verdi's La traviata. Throughout his career, he has collaborated with esteemed orchestras, including the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, the Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, the Slovenian Philharmonic, the Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra, the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, and the Zadar Chamber Orchestra. He has further honed his skills through seminars with Colin Metters and Alun Francis, and in 2018, he was awarded the "Young Musician of the Year" prize by the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra for his outstanding artistic achievements.

At eight, Soprano Ana Petričević, from Belgrade, Serbia, embarked on her musical journey, playing the flute. She graduated in solo singing from the Music University of Belgrade, winning several valuable awards during her student days, notably the "Biserka Cvejić" award for the most talented young soprano and the "Danica Mastilović" award for the best student.
She scored perfectly and won first prize at the "Davorin Jenko" International Chamber Music Competition and second at the "Ondina Otta" International Opera Singers Competition in Maribor, Slovenia. Additionally, she has earned recognition and accolades at competitions such as "OMEGA" in Florence, where she received the second prize, and the "Spiris Argiris" competition in Sarzana, Italy, where she once again secured the second prize and the audience award.
Ana Petričević made a highly successful debut as Georgette in G. Puccini's Il Tabarro. Subsequently, she debuted in Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro and U. Giordano's Andrea Chénier, winning the first prize and the audience award at the prestigious "Zinka Milanov" competition in Rijeka.
Her musical career has taken her beyond the borders of Serbia, spending a year in Modena studying under the guidance of renowned Bulgarian soprano Raina Kabaivanska. Ana Petričević has collaborated with numerous distinguished conductors and directors, including G. Gelmetti, C. Franklin, M. Beltrami, N. Pashovski, G. Tourniaire, G. Bonolis, V. Matvejeff, A. Pirolli, D. Savic, D. Benoin, D. Michieletto, C. Agnello, and others. Her diverse repertoire includes roles in classical operas such as G. Bizet's Carmen, P. I. Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin, R. Wagner's Tristan und Isolde, and G. Puccini's Turandot, as well as works like Verdi's Otello and Il Trovatore.

Tenor Ivan Defabiani, hailing from Borgesesia, Italy, is an Italian lyrical tenor. He began his singing journey under Pier Antonio Rasola, continuing his studies with William Matteuzzi and Walter Borino. In 2015, he graduated from the "Giuseppe Verdi" Music Conservatory in Milan under the tutelage of Monica Bozzo and Luigi Petroni. He debuted in the opera Friend Fritz under the direction of Leo Nucci and maestro Donato Renzetti in Piacenza, Ravenna, and Modena. In 2016, he honed his skills at the Teatro Alighieri in Ravenna, performing the role of Alfredo in La traviata. He has performed in numerous operas in Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, and other countries and received the "Pia Tassinari" award for his career. As a teacher and organizer of opera singing masterclasses, he imparts his knowledge to students in Vincenzo and at the Bellini Music Academy in Milan.

Ivica Čikeš, a national opera star and bass from Split, began vocal training at the "Josip Hatze" Music School in Split. He studied singing at the Zagreb Music Academy's Split department before further refining his skills in Rome and Parma under Maja Sunara and Wilhelm Wodnansky. He debuted in Mozart's Requiem in Split (1989) and had his first opera role in Verdi's La traviata (1992). He participated in the Croatian premieres of Verdi's I Lombardi alla prima crociata (1994), Attila (2001), and Luisa Miller (2005), as well as the first Croatian performance of Rossini's Il Turco in Italia (1998).
He has performed a diverse repertoire, including works by Verdi, Rossini, Puccini, and others. Ivica Čikeš has had notable performances in Bologna, New York, and other locations. He has interpreted leading bass roles in works by V. Lisinski, I. pl. Zajc, J. Gotovac, I. Tijardović, J. Hatze, I. Brkanović, B. Papandopulo, F. Parać, and A. Cabiljo in the national opera.
As a concert singer, he has performed in numerous works, including Mozart's Requiem, Verdi's Messa da Requiem, Beethoven's Sinfonia n. 9, Messa solemnis, and others. 
He has won several awards, including the "Milka Trnina," "Milan Pihler," "Vladimir Ruždjak," "Ante Marušić," and "Croatian Theatre Award." He served as the director of the CNT Split Opera for two terms.