My Split Summer - Share your memories and win!

My Split Summer - Share your memories and win!

Split Summer and the Croatian National Theater in Split invite you to participate in creating shared memories of 70 years of one of the most significant summer festivals in Croatia – and reward your stories!

My Split Summer - Share your memories and win!

On the 70th anniversary of the Summer Theatre Festival, we want to hear from you, the city residents who live with the theatre during the summer months: we want to hear, see, and read your memories, see your photos, and share your recollections of Split Summer.

Many residents of Split have not only been spectators at Split Summer but also participants, extras, hostesses or hosts, stage workers, neighbors, witnesses to the creation of theatre premieres, and hosts to the artists. They have been an essential part of the theatrical magic and have become permanently "infected" with love for the theatre. We invite you to share your memories (or those of your loved ones) with us in any form: through text, a short video, or a forgotten photograph. Some of your stories, photos, and videos will be shared with the audience of Split Summer through our social networks, and the most interesting ones will be rewarded:

- The author of the first prize-winning story, photo with a story, or video story will receive 6 x 2 tickets for performances at Split Summer of their choice.

- The second prize winner will receive 4 x 2 tickets.

- The third prize winner will receive 3 x 2 tickets.

You can send your materials to before July 10th, 2024. The winning stories, photos, or videos will be selected by the HNK Split marketing jury.

We will announce the winners on Friday, July 12, 2024.