Directed by Mario Kovač, actors Goran Grgić, Boris Svrtan, Andrej Dojkić and Amar Bukvić will not only respond to the women but will also, through numerous funny examples from everyday life, speak about their frustrations caused by female behaviour towards them. Playing based on numerous stereotypes, the actors will boldly denounce the hypocrisy of daily and universal advocacy of closing the gender inequality gap. For men in our play, these gaps are welcome even when they cause feelings of discomfort and even more when they cause a sense of pleasure. Fighting against the stereotype of men, the actors will defend their complexes with defensive mechanisms of rationalization and projection (on women, of course). Stereotypes as subjects of this play needn’t be listed,it is enough to say that most of them will be shown in the play. From viewers will get exactly what they expect: an evening escape from everyday problems, relaxation, laughter and ultimate entertainment theatre experience.