Martina Filjak (piano) and Ante Jerkunica (bass)

Martina Filjak (piano) and Ante Jerkunica (bass)

Bass Ante Jerkunica, a prominent soloist (Deutsche Oper Berlin) who has performed on the most renowned international stages, and Martina Filjak, the leading lady of Croatian pianism, prepared a magical evening for all music lovers.

Martina Filjak (piano) and Ante Jerkunica (bass)

Pianist Martina Filjak consistently dazzles international audiences and critics with her passionate and lyrical playing, combined with technical perfection; she's often hailed as an "artist of galvanizing power" with a "magnetic stage presence."

Ante Jerkunica is one of the most sought-after basses on the international scene. He began his career at the Split Theater in 2002. Four years later, Jerkunica became a member of the ensemble of the Deutsche Oper Berlin. He has won numerous awards and performed various roles worldwide. Jerkunica has established himself as an outstanding interpreter of Wagner's operas, and despite his ongoing engagement in Berlin, he regularly performs in other renowned opera houses.

Pijanistica Martina Filjak svojom istovremeno strastvenom i lirskom svirkom te tehničkom perfekcijom redovito oduševljava međunarodnu javnost i kritiku kao 'umjetnica galvanizirajuće snage' s 'magnetskom scenskom prisutnošću'. 

Ante Jerkunica je trenutno jedan od najtraženijih basova na međunarodnoj sceni. Karijeru je započeo u splitskom Teatru 2002. godine, a četiri godine kasnije postaje član ansambla Njemačke Opere u Berlinu. Osvojio je brojne nagrade i izveo razne uloge diljem svijeta. Jerkunica se profilirao kao vrsni interpreta Wagnerovih opera te unatoč stalnom angažmanu u Berlinu, redovito nastupa u drugim poznatim opernim kućama. 



W. A. Mozart: Concert aria

Alcandro, lo confesso! Non so donde viene


F. Liszt

Reminiscences from Lucia di Lammermoor


J. Massenet: Herodiade, aria Phanuel

Dors o cite perverse


F. Halevy: La Julive, aria Kardinal de Brogny

Si la rigueur


J. Ibert: Chansons de Don Quichotte

Chanson du départ de Don Quichotte

Chanson à Dulcinée

Chanson de Duc

Chanson de la mort de Don Quichotte


D. Pejačević: Two sketches, op. 44


S. Rahmanjinov:

U tišini noći tajne


Ne pjevaj ljepotice

Bio sam s njom

Proljetne vode