Vocal-instrumental concert of the LADO Ensemble

1 hour


The musical legacy of the Ladarice is vast, and for this concert, some of the most beautiful arrangements of folk songs have been selected, such as Zorja je zorja, Čula jesam da se dragi ženi, Oj djevojko moja, Malo Međimurje, as well as some of the best original festival compositions like Vezovi i jorgovani, Turopoljski svati, Nekaj grmi z Otrovanca, and many others. The concert concludes with the composition Poleg vode Drave, a popular song performed by the Ladarice, which also serves as the opening theme for the popular drama series Gruntovčani. Maestro Jurica Petar Petrač will conduct the contemporary Ladarice and the LADO Orchestra, providing the audience with a glimpse of the excitement of this artistic experience, writing new chapters about the Ladarice and a new history for the LADO Ensemble.



Jesensko kopanje 
Text: Zvonimir Milković
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik, Bruno Bogdanić

Zorja je zorja 
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

Čula jesam da se dragi ženi 
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

Turopoljski svati 
Text: Drago Bahun-Čarli
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik

Pokupski svatovski drmeš – Orkestar Ansambla LADO
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

Oj djevojko moja 
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

Ako ti je Marko žal  
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

Pet je kumi v jedni kleti 
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

Nekaj grmi z Otrovanca 
Text: Drago Britvić 
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

 Sava je, Dunav je / Haj, haj, neka, neka
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

 Grajino kolo – Orkestar Ansambla LADO
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

 Bratec kosi
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

 Vezovi i jorgovani
Text: Pajo Kanižaj 
Musical arrangement:Božidar Potočnik

 Kad se slegnu vode na livade 
 Text: Anto Gardaš 
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

 Podravski čardaš
Text: Miroslav Dolenec – Dravski 
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

 Poleg vode drave 
Text: Dubravko Ivančan 
Music: Živan Cvitković 
Musical arrangement: Tomislav Uhlik 

 Grad se beli preko Balatina
Musical arrangement: Zlatko Potočnik 

 Malo Međimurje 
Musical arrangement: Božidar Potočnik 

*Ansambl LADO zadržava pravo izmjene programa 


The vocal ensemble Ladarice was founded back in 1965 at the initiative of Božidar Potočnik, who informally gathered nine of the best female voices from the LADO Ensemble at the time. With them, he recorded about ten folk music arrangements for Radio Zagreb. A year later, brothers Božo and Zlatko Potočnik founded a female vocal ensemble initially called "Devet mladih" (Nine Youths), which was renamed Ladarice in 1968.

The resonant voices of the famous women of Ladarice, along with Božo and Zlatko Potočnik, were united by enthusiasm and love for collecting, arranging, and recording traditional materials and outstanding performances. Under Božo Potočnik's leadership, Ladarice recorded numerous folk songs, and with their vocal skills and Potočnik’s exceptional musical arrangements, they left a strong mark of quality and created a unique performance style that became a lasting brand of Croatian folk music. Božo Potočnik arranged folk songs and composed new pieces for various festivals, working in different musical styles for radio and television. All this resonated with primal beauty in Ladarice's performances. The famous women sang and represented a rich heritage with much love and musical and vocal skill, remaining the guardians of Croatian traditional culture to this day.

Some of today’s artists from the LADO Ensemble Orchestra had the opportunity to share the stage with the original Ladarice, and in this concert, they will share the stage with their successors, the current artists of the LADO Ensemble. In honor of the founder of the legendary nonet, this concert is dedicated to Božo Potočnik, who conducted Ladarice's concerts. This year, the honor belongs to Maestro Jurica Petar Petrač, who will conduct the contemporary Ladarice and the LADO Orchestra, providing the audience with a glimpse of the excitement of this artistic experience, writing new chapters about the Ladarice and a new history for the LADO Ensemble.

The LADO Ensemble of Croatian Folk Dances and Songs is a professional folklore ensemble founded 75 years ago with the mission of researching, collecting, artistically processing, and staging the most beautiful examples of Croatia's rich musical and dance traditions. Its top dancers, who are also exceptional singers, easily transform from a dance ensemble to a representative folk choir, and 14 excellent musicians play about eighty traditional and classical instruments. LADO possesses a unique collection of original folk costumes of exceptional value and beauty, making each concert a revue of original Croatian traditional attire, in addition to song and dance. This presentation of the amazing wealth and diversity of folk expression from such a small area as Croatia makes LADO unique worldwide. The ensemble's concerts worldwide receive unanimous enthusiasm from audiences and critical acclaim, regularly ranking among the best folkloric groups globally.

Dancer-singers: Magdalena Cvitan, Ana Drobina, Jana Franić, Nataša Gluić, Vlatka Hlišć, Tamara Horvat, Anita Huđek, Tea Jančinec, Doroteja Juratović, Klara Kašnar, Mateja Kovačević Kos, Lucija Lenardić, Petra Matutinović, Ina Milačić, Kristina Opačić Vrućina, Iva Piler, Ivana Prokop, Maja Putak, Sandra Sekula, Iva Sekula Šikić, Tea Stanišak

Musicians: Matej Baneković, Saša Dostičić, Branimir Grđan, Mario Hajsok, Goran Hlebec, Mladen Kosovec, Josip Križanić, Bartul Lakotić, Dalibor Paurić, Branimir Ranogajec, Mario Sorić, Mladen Trčak, Stjepan Večković

Others: Katarina Buha, Klara Slatinac

Conductor Jurica Petar Petrač
  Vocal group Ladarice
  LADO Orchestra