Theater as a Place of Social and Artistic Responsibility - Selected Plays of the 34th Marulić Days

Theater as a Place of Social and Artistic Responsibility - Selected Plays of the 34th Marulić Days

The Festival Council of Marulić Days confirmed the program for the 34th Festival of Croatian Drama, Marulić Days, during today's session. The festival, organized by the Croatian National Theater Split, will take place in Split from April 20 to 29 this year. Selector Jelena Kovačić has chosen eleven Croatian drama productions, along with one from Argentina.

Theater as a Place of Social and Artistic Responsibility - Selected Plays of the 34th Marulić Days

Negotiations for the challenging realization of the Argentine play's guest appearance are still ongoing. A total of 54 plays were submitted for the festival, with 44 from Croatia, three from Slovenia, two from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one each from Serbia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, and Argentina.


The following plays will compete for awards at the 34th Marulić Days: "You Can Be Anything" by Ivana Vuković, produced by UO Punctum/UO T25/Kunst Theater, directed by Ivana Vuković; Mani Gotovac's "The Farewells" performed by the Rijeka CNT Ivan pl. Zajc, directed by Anastasija Jankovska; "Girls" in collaboration with UO kolektiv Igralke, Zavod VIDNE, and CNT Ivan pl. Zajc with the partnership of the Slovenian Youth Theater and MASKA from Ljubljana, directed by Tjaša Črnigoj; Kristian Novak's "The Case of One's Own Downfall" by CNT in Varaždin in collaboration with CNT Ivan pl. Zajc, directed by Ivan Plazibat; Tomislav Šoban's authorial project "Truthiness" by CNT in Zagreb, directed by Tomislav Šoban; Jurica Pavičić's "Red Water" performed by CNT Split and directed by Ivica Buljan; Mate Matišić's "My Sad Monsters" from the Gavella City Drama Theater in Zagreb, directed by Vito Taufer; Dražen Šivak's "Masks" in production by UO Grupa in collaboration with the Dubrovnik Summer Festival and in cooperation with Scena Ribnjak and Teatar EXIT; "Symphonies/Turpitude" produced by Eurokaz and directed by Rajna Racz; Ksenija Zec's authorial project "Euphoria" in production by the Zagreb Youth Theater, directed by the author.

According to selector Jelena Kovačić, the selected plays have "stood out with their artistic and production quality, as well as their readiness for theatrical risk." Whether it's staging contemporary texts by various generations of authors, dramatizations of novels with concrete dramatic potential, or authorial projects where textual material is generated with a central idea or theme, all selected plays are recognized by the theater as places of social and artistic responsibility and risk, encouraging dialogue and participation in reflecting on their theatrical and life reality. The thematic preoccupations range from very intimate, personal, and even love stories to the critical examination of patriarchy, patriarchal mentality, and the position of women in society, to crime plots using their fundamental story as a path to social critique and collective reevaluation. This year's selection serves as a dialogue between institutional and independent scenes, intertwining and complementing each other. It brings together large ensemble plays, smaller formats, duodramas, and monodramas, which are poetically diverse but always in tune with contemporary theatrical trends. They are equally focused on exploring and critically examining the society we live in, as well as exploring and examining theater as a form that derives its strength primarily from direct and open contact with the audience, treating them consistently as equal conversational partners.

One of the selected plays by Jelena Kovačić is "Seria una pena que se marchiten las plantas" ("It Would Be a Pity If the Plants Wilt") by Ivor Martinić, performed by Apacheta sala estudio from Buenos Aires. Due to the production challenges of the play's arrival from Argentina, a decision on the possibility of this guest appearance will be made later. Initially, Tena Štivičić's play "Drei Winter" ("Three Winters"), directed by Martin Kušej at the Vienna Burgtheater, was also part of the selection, but unfortunately, due to technical and production reasons, this play did not make the final cut. The Marul Awards will be decided by a jury consisting of Borna Baletić (Academy of Dramatic Art Zagreb), Vesna Bulić Baketić (City Museum Split), Trpimir Jurkić (CNT Split), Miona Miliša (Split Academy of Arts), and Stela Mišković (Cetina Cultural Center). Members present at the Marulić Days Council meeting were Nevena Tudor Perković, Head of the Department for the Development of Culture and Arts, Council President; Marina Kuzmanić Petreš, Head of the Culture Department, City of Split; Tomislav Đonlić, acting Head of the Administrative Department for Education, Culture, Technical Culture, and Sports, Split-Dalmatia County; Vicko Bilandžić, Intendant of CNT Split and Festival Director; Ivan Plazibat, Director of Drama at CNT Split; Ivan Vatavuk, Head of the Intendant's Office at CNT Split, Festival Producer; Mirna Rustemović, Dramaturge (CNT Zagreb); Ivana Tomić Ferić, Musicologist, Music Writer, Educator (UMAS); and Joško Ševo, Professor, Theater, and Television Actor (HDDU).