Public call for proposing members of the Festival Council
34th Marulić Days

Public call for proposing members of the Festival Council

Based on Article 10 of the Regulations for the Croatian Drama Festival "Marulić Days," the intendant of the Croatian National Theater Split has issued a public call for proposing members of the Festival Council for the 34th Marulić Days.

Public call for proposing members of the Festival Council

Institutions and associations in the field of dramatic arts are invited to submit written and justified proposals for candidates for the selection of members of the "Marulić Days" Festival Council.

Three members of the "Marulić Days" Festival Council are appointed from the ranks of distinguished dramatic artists, professors, and critics, based on proposals from institutions and associations in the field of dramatic arts.

Proposals/applications, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and proof of meeting the conditions specified in the Public Call, must be submitted within 15 days from the date of the Public Call announcement to the address of the Croatian National Theater Split (Trg Gaje Bulata 1, 21 000 Split) with the note "Application for a member of the Marulić Days Festival Council."

The deadline for submitting applications is February 2, 2024.