The show tells the story of Florence Foster Jenkins, an enthusiastic soprano known for her notably poor singing ability. The audience loved her first of all for fun, and many celebrities were her loyal fans. At the age of 76, Jenkins’ dream finally came true and she booked Carnegie Hall for a general-admission performance on October 25, 1944. Tickets for the event sold out weeks in advance; the demand was such that an estimated 2,000 people were turned away at the door. Jenkins died a month later. This bizarre story served as an inspiration for a feature film starring Meryl Streep in the title role, directed by Stephen Frears and premiered in 2016.
Dolenčić directed
Glorious! with the live piano performance of young pianist Fabijan Komljenović, accompanying hilarious "singing" and masterful interpretation of Anja Šovagović Despot in the main role.