CNT Split Choir Concert

Cca. 35 minutes

CNT Split Choir Concert

Sudamja 2024.

On the eve of the holiday of Saint Dujam, the HNK Split Choir will hold a free concert at Pjaca conducted by maestro Veton Marevci and accompanied by pianist Ivan Violić.

CNT Split Choir Concert


F. Schubert: Gott ist mein Hirt, psalam 23

P. I. Čajkovski: Priroda i ljubav - soloist: Maja Andrijolić, Đina Vučković

J. Hatze: Pjesni ljuvene

G. Verdi: Va pensiero from the opera Nabucco

J. Gotovac: O zemljo naša, from the opera Mila Gojsalića

I. Tijardović: O kućo mala from the operetta Spli'ski akvarel

Choir conductor Veton Marevci
Piano Ivan Violić
  CNT Split Choir