Bjanka Ivas

Bjanka Ivas

Operatic choir singer - soloist, mezzo-soprano

Bjanka Ivas

She was born in Split and began her primary education at the "Josip Hatze" Music School at nine. Her education continued in the preparatory and high school music programs, focusing on solo singing. She earned a music teaching degree at the Music Academy in Split in 2004 and worked in primary and high school.
In the academic year 2015, she obtained a master's degree in music in the class of Prof. Cynthia Hansell-Bakić through a staged performance of a rock and roll program. She furthered her education with sopranos Zlatomira Nikolova, Olivera Miljaković, and Martina Zadro. She led a children's choir in Trogir and published poems in English in the magazine "The Split Mind." She participated in the role of Cherubino in a shortened version of Mozart's opera The Marriage of Figaro, performed in the foyer of the Croatian National Theatre Split.
Since 2014, she has been a permanent member of the Croatian National Theatre Split choir.